
About  Alwea'am

About  Alwea'am

 Alwea'am Charitable Society is a non- profit and non- government Palestinian society established  at the beginning of 2006 , provide its relief and developmental services for all  categories in the Gaza Strip and it is the only society that grant the trust of  Royal  Makrummeh  for his Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Husein ,  to take care of orphans in the Gaza Strip .  it was  launched to meet the needs of marginalized and weak people to develop the relief , development  health, psychological , social , educational  and cultural  within the frame of free charitable works,  to reach to a strong Palestinian society.


Toward a pioneer and distinctive charitable society in Palestine has an effective contribution in fulfilling the  sustainable development according to comprehensive quality standards.


A charitable organization with  social effectiveness specialized in social development field and works to plant  values of humanitarian work through providing its charitable services that meets the needs of society and all its components according to global quality standards.


  • Achieving psychological , social and economic care for orphans and needy families in the Gaza Strip.
  • Creating and educational and cultural environment for children, youth , women, and elderly in community.
  • Promoting the culture of women and children and developing the healthy educational environment in the society.
  • Taking care of youth issues and develop their abilities to play a leading role in society.
  • Working to rehabilitate persons with special needs in different aspects of relief, health , psychological and social sectors and create opportunities for them to raise their efficiency and integrate them into society.
  • Taking attention of health aspects and establishing health facilities and hospitals that contribute in serving community.
  • Taking attention of agricultural aspects and encouraging it through agricultural and development projects.
  • Developing the sports and cultural aspects and establishing clubs and facilities in the community.
  • Preparing scientific studies and research to identify the need of society and increase society's knowledge.


Where we work

Alwea'am society works throughout the Gaza Strip