
14 مايو 2024

Health education and psychotherapy

Health education is that integral part of health care that is concerned with improving the behavior of individuals, because a person's behavior may be the cause of his health problem, and through this project we help the target audience to understand their behavior and how it affects their health, and based on that, we carried out a series of meetings. Which brought us together with those targeted in order to raise societal awareness of mothers and children and educate them in health, physical and preventive aspects to reduce diseases at the health and psychological levels according to the following headings:


Chronic diseases and ways to prevent them.
Self-learning methods for public health care and methods for preventing common diseases.
The role of proper nutrition and physical activity in disease prevention.
We aim to achieve:


Inculcating the values ​​of proper healthy behavior and establishing healthy and sound trends.
Helping individuals solve the health problems they face, using the available resources.
Change in wrong behaviors that directly affect health.
Helping individuals to identify their health problems and determine their needs.
Spreading sound health concepts among members of society.


Reducing disease incidence rates through awareness.
The meetings were carried out in the various governorates of the Gaza Strip, in addition to holding psychological intervention sessions that came based on the results of questionnaires identifying the psychological needs of women, and the sessions varied between:


Sessions to empty myself and my emotions.
Dialogue sessions to find realistic solutions to the social problems of each woman.
Work therapy sessions, which were embodied in the making of handicrafts and paintings, which resulted in a special exhibition of crafts mothers of orphans.